NEWS Pushbacks legalisation is incompatible with the principles of a democratic society • 2023-04-27 Human Rights Monitoring Institute intervenes in the case of the pushback and detention of Cuban citizens before the European Court of Human Rights • 2023-04-26 Media Freedom Report 2023 • 2023-04-25 Same-sex couples will seek legalisation in the courts • 2023-04-21 United Nations Urges Lithuania to Address Human Rights Concerns • 2023-04-14 Ruling of the Supreme Administrative Court: the Migration Department unlawfully and unjustifiably failed to examine an asylum application submitted at the Embassy • 2023-03-29 The European Court of Human Rights rules against Lithuania in a freedom of speech case • 2023-03-27 HRMI has made proposals for draft laws on the rights of migrants and asylum seekers • 2023-03-14 VAAT ruling: applying for asylum does not exclude the right to apply for a residence permit • 2023-03-09 Council of Europe anti-torture Committee (CPT) publishes report on its 2021 visit to Lithuania • 2023-03-06 Governments continue weakening democracy in 2022, EU-wide annual rule of law report by 45 civil liberties groups finds • 2023-02-28 Launching a new project on the rights of migrants and asylum seekers • 2023-02-28 HRMI provided information on migrants’ rights to the UN Special Rapporteur • 2023-02-23 Seimas Ombudsperson’s Office is asked to investigate the circumstances of the deportation of Nigerian asylum seekers who filed subsequent asylum requests • 2023-02-06 Petition to ECtHR filed on lack of access to asylum procedures and violation of the principle of non-refoulement • 2023-01-24 Human Rights in Lithuania 2020-2021 Overview: pandemic, migrant crisis, stalling civil partnership law, criminalization of stalking and other highlights • 2022-12-12 Migration and asylum – strategic litigation programme • 2022-10-19 At the border and beyond: monitoring and advocating for the rights of migrants and asylum seekers • 2022-10-18 Lithuanian Seimas Ombudsperson’s Office Issues Report on Implementation of the Rights and Liberties of Foreigners in the Medininkai Foreigner Registration Center • 2022-09-12 Hate speech, Euroscepticism, citizenship. Comparative research report on Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Croatia, Bulgaria and Romania • 2022-09-09