STRATEGIC LITIGATION HRMI, together with other organisations, has submitted a position on the implementation of the Macatė case • 2024-01-18 The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child refers for the first time an individual complaint to the Government in S.R.H.P. and A.O.C.H. v. Lithuania • 2023-10-25 Ruling of the Supreme Administrative Court: the Migration Department unreasonably failed to assess the circumstances presented by the applicant and failed to comply with the rules ensuring the objective reasonableness of the decision • 2023-09-13 Ruling of the Vilnius Regional Administrative Court: the Migration Department unlawfully and unjustifiably refused to examine an asylum application • 2023-07-05 Human Rights Monitoring Institute intervenes in the case of the pushback and detention of Cuban citizens before the European Court of Human Rights • 2023-04-26 The European Court of Human Rights rules against Lithuania in a freedom of speech case • 2023-03-27 By Participating in the CIA Secret Detention Program, Lithuania Violated Fundamental Human Rights • 2018-06-01 Update to the Council of Europe on the execution of L v. Lithuania judgment • 2017-07-27 Lithuania found in violation of life prisoners’ rights • 2017-06-02 Can Jesus Wear Jeans in Lithuania? The Strasbourg Court Will Decide • 2016-09-20