First Women’s Mutual Assistance Forum Launched in Lithuania

A mutual assistance forum for women who have suffered domestic violence, was recently launched in Lithuania.

The forum is a virtual platform for women to share personal stories about violence they have suffered at the hands of their partners, how to escape from violence, and what kind of support is available to victims of domestic abuse. Women who suspect that they are being subjected to psychological, economic, sexual or physical violence will find useful and practical information.

The forum also helps promote solidarity between women. Women who have already left violent relationships are invited to share their stories, give advice and to motivate other members of the forum to talk about their experiences.


This article is a part of the project “Stop Violence Against Women: From (A)wareness to (Z)ero Victims Blaming” funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme of the European Union. The content of this article does not reflect the views of the European Commission.