Accessible Letter of Rights

May 1, 2016

The project aims at raising awareness about gaps in correct implementation of the 2012/13 Directive on the right to information in criminal proceedings, in particular with respect to the accessibility of the Letter of Rights (LoR), to produce and to test the alternative versions of the LoR.

Project period 2016 06 01 – 2017 04 01
Partnership Lithuania, Belgium, Hungary, Spain
Project snapshot  waiting-cat_00446090-en


1. Sociolinguistic surveys with up to 450 persons to test whether official and alternative LoRs in Hungary are accessible

2. National research in Lithuania looking at the legal framework on the right to information in criminal proceedings; a survey of stakeholders to assess their views on the law and practice on the right to information in criminal proceedings and on LoRs

3.  Development of alternative LoRs and adaptation to the Lithuanian context

4. Producing country report and comparative report highlighting common themes and significant differences between countries, presenting examples of good practice and reform proposals

We are grateful for the financial support to  komisija