Monitoring Places of Detention: A Practical Guide

October 7, 2019

This guide was developed within the framework of the project “Prevention of Torture: Practices, Standards and Regulations in Russia, Nordic and Baltic Countries” funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers. The project was implemented by four partner NGOs: Citizens’ Watch (St. Petersburg, Russia), Human Rights Monitoring Institute (Vilnius, Lithuania), Civil Rights Defenders (Stockholm, Sweden) and Norwegian Helsinki Committee (Oslo, Norway). The main aim of this project was to contribute to a more effective system of torture prevention in Norway, Sweden, Lithuania and Russia by uniting various key stakeholders, sharing good practice examples and learning from experts.

This Guide is a reference designed to help human rights defenders and civil society activists, as well as members and experts of national preventive mechanisms, when visiting places of detention, to monitor human rights standards in these institutions.

This publication is also available in Russian language.

The overview of torture prevention systems in Lithuania, Russia, Norway and Sweden may be found here.


This publication is funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers.